

At its most fundamental, knowing that a training institute or program is accredited provides some guarantee that the educational experience you will gain will deliver value after you enrol. This also means that the quality of work you do can be widely appreciated - whether with your current organization, or any other you may choose to work with in future. We are currently associated with a range of accreditation bodies worldwide that include:

KnowledgeHut is a Global Registered Education Provider (REP) of PMI®, USA. Our REP ID is 3757.
KnowledgeHut is an Authorized Training Partner (ATP) and Accredited Training Center (ATC) of EC-Council.
KnowledgeHut is a Registered Education Ally (REA) of Scrum Alliance®, the global accreditation body issuing CSM® and CSPO® certifications.
KnowledgeHut is an Endorsed Education Provider of IIBA®
KnowledgeHut is a Registered Education Partner (REP) of the DevOps Institute (DOI).
KnowledgeHut is an Accredited Examination Centre of IASSC
KnowledgeHut is an ATO of PEOPLECERT
KnowledgeHut is a Certified Partner of AXELOS
KnowledgeHut is an ICAgile Member Training Organization.
KnowledgeHut is a Professional Training Network member of
The Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) has endorsed KnowledgeHut's PMP® courses across Australia.
KnowledgeHut is a Bronze Licensed Training Organization of Kanban University.
KnowledgeHut is a Gold SPCT Partner to Scaled Agile, Inc. Scaled Agile Framework® and SAFe® 4.6 are trademarks of Scaled Agile, Inc.
KnowledgeHut is an Authorized Training Partner of CertNexus.
KnowledgeHut is a Microsoft Partner.
KnowledgeHut is an AWS Training Partner (ATP).



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