React JS Training

Learn React by doing—hooks, context, portals and more!

  • Write code, build real-world projects and learn React hands-on
  • Beyond the basics with routing, state management, serverside rendering, testing
  • Immersive learning with Cloud Labs, guided hands-on exercises, assessments, more
  • 400,000 + Professionals trained
  • 250 + Workshops every month
  • 100 + Countries and counting

Become a skilled React developer

Learn to leverage React’s power in this hands-on, project-based course. Build real-world projects in a work-like environment and compile a professional project portfolio to showcase your new skills. Our ReactJS online training course will take you from the absolute basics all the way up to building sophisticated, scalable web applications.

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  • 24 Hours Live Instructor-Led Sessions 

  • 84+ Hours On-Demand Self-Paced Learning 

  • 32 Hands-On Exercises 

  • 17 Auto-Graded Assessments 

  • 4 Comprehensive Assignments 

  • Real-World Capstone Project 

Why React?


According to Stack Overflow, JavaScript’s React is the library “most developers want to work with if they don’t already.” React is powering the mobile revolution and is a critical skill that developers need to innovate and reach more users on mobile platforms. To date, this JavaScript library fuels 46 percent of all the world’s websites and applications.

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To gain in-demand skills in React, talk to our Learning Advisor today.

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The KnowledgeHut Advantage

The most effective project-based immersive learning experience

Immersive Learning

  • On-demand videos
  • Guided hands-on exercises
  • Auto-graded assessments and recall quizzes
  • Assignments and projects

Learn by Doing

  • Learn to code. By actually coding.
  • Get project-ready with work-like experiences.
  • Learn on the job, like devs in tech companies.

Cloud Labs

  • Access fully provisioned dev environment.
  • Virtual machine spinned up in minutes.
  • Write code right in your browser.


  • Get advanced learner insights.
  • Measure and track skills progress.
  • Identify areas to improve in.

Blended Learning

  • On-demand, self-paced learning anytime.
  • Code review sessions by experts.
  • Access to discussion forums, community groups.

Prerequisites for React JS Training Course

  • Intermediate working knowledge of JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Fundamental understanding of HTML and CSS

Who should attend this course?

UI Developers

Full Stack Developers

Solution Architects

Developers, software engineers

Novices who meet prerequisites

Final year Graduates

React Course Schedules

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What you will learn in the React course


Gain insights into components, building blocks of a React app; build and compose reusable components.


Learn and embrace JSX, the syntax extension to JavaScript, for writing render logic quickly.


Learn how state helps you describe changes to your UI using data; build declarative data-driven apps using state.

Network requests

Implement side effects such as network requests to a backend service or an API for fetching or storing data.

Isomorphic applications

Implement Server Side Rendering (SSR) and build Isomorphic applications.

Master Redux

Master Redux including Redux Hooks, Redux Thunk and other middleware.

Test-driven development

Embrace a test driven development (TDD) approach by using Jest, React Testing Library, Enzyme and more.

Build efficient forms

Build efficient forms using controlled and uncontrolled components.


Master the incredible Hooks API and learn about context, error boundaries, portals and more.

Code sharing and reusability

Master code sharing and reusability using Render Props, Higher Order Components and more.

Go beyond the basics

Learn and implement routing using React Router, implement code splitting and the Suspense API.

Skill you will gain with the React training program

Build Single Page Apps

Build interactive forms

Implement routing with React Router

Build isomorphic React applications

Setup and use the create-react-app toolchain

Test using Jest, React Testing Library and Enzyme

Use Redux and middleware like redux-thunk, React Saga

Build dynamic components that interact with APIs, services

Write reusable, shared logic for use in application ecosystem

Build composable user interfaces using reusable components

Build performant, interactive and data driven web applications

Transform Your Workforce

Ramp up your teams' React skills

Harness the power of React to increase speed to market, improve user experiences and decrease development costs. Empower your teams to ship innovative products on time and under budget.

  • Discover your team's strengths and weaknesses
  • Leverage Immersive Learning (with Cloud Labs)
  • Measure skills progress with the right data
  • Upskill your teams with Customized Training Solutions

500+ Clients

React Course Syllabus

Download Curriculum
Video preview 1.

Learning Objectives

Discover what React is and the problems it solves when designing UIs and web applications. Get your first hands-on experience with React. Discover the create-react-app utility that generates a React development toolchain for an incredible developer experience.

  • What is React?
  • Hello React
  • Using the create-react-app


  • Build an app that allows the user to key in text which it reverses and displays on the UI instantaneously.
Video preview 2.

Learning Objectives

Gain an insight into components, the building blocks of a React application. Learn about the two main types of components that you can build with React including a conceptual look at state and event listeners. Discover JSX, an HTML like syntax that allows you to express your UI within a React component.

  • What are Components?
  • Types of Components
  • JSX


  • Create a class component that lets you type text in a <textarea> field while it displays word and character counts that update as you type
  • Create a Card component that one often sees on social media platforms
  • Write a component that acts as a list item in a UI that renders list of books
Video preview 3.

Learning Objectives

  • Learn about state which allows you to describe changes to your UI using data.
  • Learn about the fundamentals of the Hooks API that lets you incorporate state in a Function component.
  • Understand how to use props as conduits that allow you to pass data from a parent to a child component.
  • Learn to debug props using type checking.
  • What is State?
  • Stateful Function Components with Hooks
  • What are props?
  • Type Checking with Prop Types


  • Create a toggle button for a hypothetical space-craft’s guidance system panel
  • Build a simple theme switcher using state in a function component using the Hooks API
  • Work on a component called UserCard which has to accept data using props
  • Implement prop type checks in the UserCard component we built earlier
Video preview 4.

Learning Objectives

Learn to render lists of components using the map() method. Understand the importance of the 'key' attribute. Learn to use the fragments feature for rendering multiple top level components

  • Using the map function to render lists
  • The “key” attribute
  • Using Fragments


  • Use the map function to render lists of components using an Array of movies and set all important ‘key’ prop
  • Implement the Fragment operator in a React Component instead of an enclosing div element
Video preview 5.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the lifecycle of a component and how it can be harnessed.
  • Learn to integrate side effects such as fetching data from an API, in a React component. Learn to deal with side effects that require cleanup, such as using Timers. Understand React's SyntheticEvent system.
  • Learn about managing errors gracefully using Error Boundaries.
  • Lifecycle of a Component
  • Side effects and Lifecycle
  • Managing cleanup
  • Events
  • Error Management 


  • Implement the componentDidMount lifecycle method to bring in data from a mock weather service
  • Implement the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method to update the data
  • Implement componentWillUnmount lifecycle function to tear down the timer instance in an app 
  • Work with events to set state properties
  • Implement an Error Boundary component to intercept errors in child components 

Learning Objectives

Learn to build form elements that are controlled by React. Learn to fetch form data directly from the DOM. Implement debouncing and other techniques to efficiently handle multiple form elements.

  • Controlled Form Components
  • Uncontrolled Form Components
  • Handling inputs efficiently
  • Project - Building a currency converter


  • Turn an input element into a controlled component
  • Implement refs to pull and set data to DOM elements when needed

Learning Objectives

Implement shared logic using render props. Learn to reuse component logic using the HOC pattern.

  • Render Props
  • Higher Order Components


  • Create a Currency-Converter component that implements render props to provide the result which is then rendered on the screen
  • Build a higher order function that empowers our App component with tools to fetch currency rates after conversion

Learning Objectives

Learn to render children in a DOM node that is outside of the parent's DOM hierarchy. Understand how event bubbling works with Portals. 

  • Introduction to Portals
  • Event bubbling in Portals


  • Work with Portals to render a dialog box component in a DOM element other than the root div where the React app is mounted

Learning Objectives

Understand the nuances of data flow in a React application, and the issues with sharing global data using props in a deeply nested application. Learn and understand all about the Context API that lets you share global data without using props.

  • Unidirectional Data Flow
  • Challenges with Props
  • The Context API


  • Instantiate a context, and provider and consumer components to trickle data down to the component hierarchy

Learning Objectives

Get an introduction to the Hooks API and the motivation behind them. Learn to incorporate stateful properties in a function component using the useState() hook. Learn to ingest data from a Context provider using hooks and to implement the useReducer() hook. Finally, learn to write your own hook.

  • Understanding Hooks
  • The useState hook
  • Side effects using the useEffect hook
  • The useContext hook
  • The useReducer hook
  • Writing your own hook


  • Build a PowerTags component that can be used to dynamically add/remove tags or keywords 
  • Use the useEffect function to fetch data from a stock app 
  • Implement the useContext hook to consume data from a context provider 
  • Use the useReducer hook to offload state management and define actions and their 
  • resulting state changes 
  • Build a custom hook named ‘useGeoLocation’ which accesses the HTML5 GeoLocation API 
  • to continually fetch the latitude and longitude of the user’s location 
Video preview 11.

Learning Objectives

Understand Routing in a React application, and learn about Dynamic Routing and Setup React Routers. Implement nested routing and use query parameters. Learn to protect routes from unauthenticated access.

  • Routing in a React application
  • Routing with React Router
  • Nested Routes and Parameters
  • Protecting Routes


  • Integrate React router in a project that features multiple sections
  • Incorporate nested routing on the /books route so that details of books
  • Protect a route from unauthenticated access

Learning Objectives

Learn to optimize your production bundle by implementing code splitting using dynamic imports and the Suspense API. Learn to implement code splitting, lazy loading and suspense when working with React Router. 

  • Code splitting and Suspense
  • Route Based Code Splitting and Lazy Loading


  • Implement React.lazy and Suspense to load two components when needed
  • Implement React.lazy and Suspense when working with React Router

Learning Objectives

Understand the need for server-side rendered apps. Learn to setup a Node.js (Express) server for rendering React apps on the server. Build a toolchain using Webpack and Babel to compile React code on the server and for the client.

  • Server-Side Rendering
  • SSR with React - Setup and Server
  • SSR with React - The Toolchain
  • Learning Objectives

    Understand the need for a dedicated state management solution and discover Redux. Take your first steps with Redux as you install, setup and connect it to a React application. Learn to build action creators and add mutation logic in the reducer for the Catalog component.

    Next, you will learn to use the connect() higher order function to interface React components with the store. You will be able to build action creators and complex state mutation logic for the Cart component. Learn to use Redux hooks and implement optimizations for performance. Also learn to implement middleware, async action creators and data persistence.

    • State Management and Redux
    • Setting up Redux
    • Actions and Reducer for the Catalog
    • Using the connect() higher-order function
    • Actions and Reducer for the Cart
    • Using Redux Hooks
    • Implementing Middleware and Persistence

    Learning Objectives

    Understand the role of testing in application development. Learn to use Jest with test-utils from the React-DOM library for writing unit and integration tests. Next, learn to write tests using Jest and the React Testing Library. Finally, learn about React Testing Library, a framework for testing React Components.

    • Introduction to Testing 
    • Using Jest with Test Utils from React-DOM 
    • Using Jest with the React Testing Library
    • Using Jest with Enzyme

    Frequently Asked Questions on React Training

    React Course

    The Web Development Using React certification course has been thoughtfully designed to make you a skilled React developer ready to take on significant front-end roles in top tech companies. At the end of the course, you will be able to:

    • Build composable user interfaces using reusable components
    • Build performant, interactive and data driven web applications
    • Build Single Page Apps (SPAs)
    • Setup and use the create-react-app toolchain
    • Build dynamic components that interact with APIs, services and the backend
    • Write reusable and shared logic for use in your application ecosystem
    • Build interactive forms
    • Implement routing in single page React applications using React Router
    • Build isomorphic React applications
    • Use Redux and middleware like redux-thunk, React Saga (Optional)
    • Test React components and applications using Jest, React Testing Library and Enzyme

    The program takes you on a learning journey from the absolute basics and concepts of React, all the way up to building comprehensive web applications that include client side routing using React Router, global state management and transitions using Redux with test driven development using Jest, Enzyme and more.

    Moving away from archaic workflows, practices, and techniques in favour of a modern workflow that is in line with the development roadmap of React, this course has been designed with a modern and future safe approach to React.

    Whatever your level of expertise – beginner, intermediate or expert – this training will give you the work-ready skills you need to become a confident developer.

    Yes, our Web Development Using React certification course is designed to give you the flexibility to skill up at your convenience. We have both weekday and weekend batches to accommodate your current job and have interesting projects that will keep you practicing as you learn. The course is delivered both in a Blended Learning and Self-Paced mode so that you can balance your work and learning as per your schedule.

    In addition to training hours, we recommend spending about 2 hours per day every day of the training, to study, practice and achieve optimal benefits from the course.

    The Web Development Using React training courses are well suited for UI Developers, Full Stack Developers, Solution Architects, developers, software engineers, and anyone interested to develop interactive user interfaces and web applications using React. Novices too will benefit from this training, provided prerequisites are met.

    To attend the React JS certification training program, the basic hardware and software requirements are as mentioned below -

    Hardware requirements

    • Windows 8 / Windows 10 OS, MAC OS >=10, Ubuntu >= 16 or latest version of other popular Linux flavors
    • 4 GB RAM
    • 10 GB of free space

    Software Requirements

    • Node.js v13.x.x or above
    • An IDE or a code editor like Microsoft VSCode, Sublime Text or similar
    • A web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Firefox

    System Requirements

    • Any workstation or laptop with at least 8 GB of RAM

    HTML and CSS skills would be required for developing ReactJS applications. Although React uses JSX, HTML fundamentals are necessary and CSS skills are useful to style React applications.

    Yes! Upon passing the Web Development Using React JS Certification Course, you will receive a signed certificate of completion from KnowledgeHut. Thousands of KnowledgeHut alumni use their course certificates to demonstrate skills to employers and their networks.

    More than the certificate, however, you will get to showcase your newly acquired React skills by working on real-world projects and adding these to your portfolio. KnowledgeHut’s is well-regarded by industry experts, who contribute to our React JS syllabus and use our tech programs to train their own teams to provide the best React course in the market.

    One of the key features of our course is the opportunity to work on fun micro-projects during the program followed by a production grade capstone project at the end. This course is full of fun examples throughout the course of instruction, followed by even more exercises that you get to work with on our web-based interactive development environment.

    At key milestones during the course, you get to work with micro-projects. Some of the projects you will work on are:

    1. SuperTunes: displays a list of songs with ratings and allows you to sort in multiple ways.
    2. Weather Watch: an app which displays details of the weather, fetched from an API. 
    3. Recipe Meister: lets you manage recipes. You can browse recipes using a beautiful interface.
    4. Confronto: lets you add and compare products from a list, covering several essential skills in the process.

    Solidify your grip on React and its ecosystem of tools/products such as Redux and React Router with a capstone project at the end of the course. You will create a full-blown micro blogging application using React, Redux and React Router. You will be provided with a stylesheet, an API server and will be required to build an app that allows users to signup, sign in, add short message posts, delete them, sort them and more.

    Once you have mastered the React JS online course, you can consider learning the following:

    • Node.js
    • MongoDB

    Individuals can try out KnowledgeHut’s immersive learning experience using a free trial. You have 14 days or 30% access, whichever comes first, to the course you’ve started the free trial for.  This includes all the features of the platform, including on-demand videos, 3 hours of Cloud Labs, auto-graded assessments, interactive eBooks, recall quizzes and advanced learning insights.

    React Workshop Experience

    The Web Development Using React workshop at KnowledgeHut is delivered through PRISM, our immersive learning experience platform, via two modes of delivery:

    Blended learning

    • Get the best of both worlds with live and interactive instructor-led React training sessions along with the convenience and flexibility of self-paced learning.
    • Listen, learn, ask questions, and get all your doubts clarified from your instructor, who is an experienced practitioner.
    • You also get to collaborate and learn from the experience of your peers in real-world simulations and activities.

    On-Demand Self-Learning

    • Learn conveniently at your own pace, whenever and wherever you choose. Spend as much time as you need to on areas or topics that you find most difficult, pausing and replaying relevant segments of video as often as you need to. Benefit from the limitless educational possibility that comes with lifetime access.
    • The entire courseware and all the features of our immersive learning experience platform will remain at your fingertips whenever you wish to refresh concepts and clear your doubts. 

    The Web Development Using React course is delivered by leading practitioners who bring current best practices and case studies from their experience to the live and interactive training sessions. The instructors are industry-recognized experts with more than 10 years of experience in React and web development.

    Not only will they impart knowledge of the fundamentals and advanced concepts, but they will also provide end-to-end mentorship and hands-on guidance on the real-world projects.

    Our workshops are structured in three parts – pre-workshop, workshop and post-workshop – to provide you with a completely immersive learning experience. This tried and tested workshop structure has worked well with thousands of engineers we’ve helped upskill over the years.

    1. Pre-workshop: Take our diagnostic assessment before the workshop and benchmark your skill levels at the start of the course. This allows you to map and demonstrate your skills learning progression as you reach the end of the course.
    2. Workshop: Join the live and interactive instructor-led sessions right from within PRISM, our immersive learning experience platform with a state-of-the-art intelligent coding environment. Experience immersive learning with cloud labs, guided hands-on exercises, assignments, auto-graded assessments, recall quizzes, real-world projects and much more.
    3. Post-workshop: We don’t just impart skills but also want to make sure that you implement them post the course. To help you with this, we are always in touch with you through newsletters, webinars or next version trainings. Some post-training deliverables lined-up for you are:
      • Project assistance with mentorship
      • Access to alumni network
      • Continued social learning with discussion forums, group messenger and one-to-one messaging.
      • Additional workshops on advanced level concepts
      • Regular emails, blogs, articles, emails, newsletters, tutorials and other such rich informational content. 

    A unique feature of our Web Development Using React course is the highly engaging, immersive learning you experience. You get to learn, practice, assess, get insights on your learning, and personalize your learning journey.

    LEARN: Engaging self-learning videos, smart flashcards, interactive eBooks and recall quizzes help reinforce your learning. You also get to maximize your learning potential with collaborative social learning via discussion forums and group and one-to-one messaging.

    PRACTICE: Access our Playground Labs during and after the course. Guided hands-on exercises will help you gain confidence and get productive from day one.

    ASSESS: Assess your skills at every stage with a variety of questions ranging from multiple choice to code-based, completely auto-graded by the system. Assignments and projects within our inbuilt and intelligent development environment give you micro “work-like” experiences. Test your subject matter comprehension through diagnostic, module level and final assessments.

    GET INSIGHTS: Based on your performance in the assessments, assignments, and projects, you gain deep insights on your progress, which help you identify areas you are good at and where you need to improve. All you need to do is follow recommendations and enhance your skill proficiency from where you are to where you want to get.

    PRISM is KnowledgeHut’s state-of-the-art learning experience platform. PRISM is designed to provide a highly engaging, immersive learning experience with you at the center of the learning.

    PRISM supports all types of courses, including on-demand self-paced learning, blended learning, and live virtual classes. Here are some key features of the platform:

    1. Learners can watch videos, join live sessions directly, and even book 1 - 1 mentoring sessions with expert instructors easily, using a single dashboard.
    2. Integrated Practice Environment runs directly in the user’s browser, offering a complete set of development tools to allow learners to practice what they’ve learned. 
    3. Feature-rich videos with detailed explanations are augmented by flash cards, interactive e-reading content and quick recall quizzes designed to strategically reinforce learning. 
    4. Diagnostic, module-level and final assessments give learners valuable insights, allowing them to map and demonstrate their skills learning progression through the course.
    5. Learners get micro work-like experiences from auto-graded projects that help them learn on the job, much like developers in leading tech companies. 
    6. Social Learning tools include a discussion board that features questions posted by other learners on the system and responses by both mentors and learners. Additionally, one-to-one and group messaging is also available.
    7. Comprehensive reports give both organizations and learners a deep and thorough insight into skills progression. 

    Our Web Development Using React workshops are currently held online and anyone with a stable internet from anywhere across the world can benefit from this to skill up in React.

    Schedules for our upcoming React JS course online workshops in Web Development Using React can be found here.

    You will receive a registration link from PRISM to your e-mail id. You will have to set your password, log in to our Immersive Learning Experience platform and start your learning journey.

    Yes, Cloud/Practice Labs in a preconfigured development editor inbuilt into your learning space will be available for your guided hands-on exercises, assignments and practice during and post the training.

    The playground labs are low-friction sandbox environments, offering the ability to get started without any installations in your local system. We have tried hard to ensure that practice labs simulate the developer experience. These in-browser solutions feature environments for working with all kinds of platforms including operating systems, coding languages, and more.

    The goal is to provide you with sandbox environments where you can feel free to run any command and experiment without the guidelines of a typical lab. The end goal is to increase the amount of practical, real-world experience you gain to get you completely work-ready on course completion.

    You will be granted 100 hours of access to Cloud Labs to perform all your hands-on exercises, assignments, and projects including your final capstone projects. Post the training, you will retain access to the platform, the learning material, and any unutilized hours on the Cloud Labs for a period of six months.

    Practice is key to taking your coding skills to the next level. Should you need additional hours of practice on Cloud Labs, these will be available for purchase. Just raise a ticket on PRISM or write to us at and we'll set this up for you.

    You will have lifetime access to the entire Self-Paced Learning material including on-demand videos, assessments, quizzes, ebooks/case studies and more.

    You can attempt the recall quizzes any number of times. Assessments can be taken twice.

    We currently use the Zoom platform for video conferencing and will soon be adding more integrations like Webex and Microsoft Teams. However, all the sessions and the recordings will be available right from within our learning platform. Learners will receive instructions through PRISM notifications and will not need to wait for any external notifications or links.

    Yes, there are other participants who actively participate in the class remotely.  They can attend online training from office, home, or any other suitable place.

    In case of any queries, our support team is available to you 24/7 via the Help and Support section on PRISM. You can also reach out to your workshop manager on your workshop group messenger.

    If you miss a class, you can access the class recordings from PRISM at any time. At the beginning of every session, there will also be a 10-12 minute recapitulation of the previous class.

    Should you have any more questions, please raise a ticket on PRISM or email us on and we will be happy to get back to you.

    Additional FAQs on React Certification and Training

    React JS

    React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library used in web development for building interactive UIs and web applications. It lets you compose complex UIs from small and isolated pieces of code called “components”.

    A developer team at Facebook, led by Jordan Walke, developed React JS as a prototype in 2011. It was officially released by Facebook on May 29, 2013.

    React JS was developed as a solution to the issues that engineers at Facebook were facing with code maintenance. The growing number of team-members and app-features had slowed them down as a company and over time, their app had become difficult to handle. They realized that they had the model right but needed to do something about the user experience, thus marking the birth of React.js.

    Yes, the current iteration of Facebook is built using React, while the mobile app is built using React Native – a version of React specifically designed to display the iOS/Android native components.

    React JS was officially released by Facebook on May 29, 2013.

    React JS is not a programming language. It is a JavaScript library that has a unique approach to building user interfaces by breaking them into components.  Combining an understanding of markup and content into JavaScript, ReactJS renders dynamic views efficiently.

    React JS is a library and is not strongly opinionated unlike a framework such as Angular. As a library, React can be incrementally brought into an existing website or application and allows ample flexibility without forcing you to learn special syntax that frameworks generally impose.

    React JS is a frontend JavaScript library. It is used for client-side programming to build things that a user will see and interact with on screen. An experimental server side edition of React was recently demonstrated to solve performance issues arising from server side rendering of React applications for enabling better user experience and SEO.

    React makes Document Object Model (DOM) faster by implementing a virtual DOM, structured like a tree, in JavaScript. So, every time React needs to read or write to the DOM, it will use the virtual version. The virtual DOM will then try to find the most efficient way to update the browser’s DOM.

    Unlike browser DOM elements, React JS elements are plain objects that are cost-effective and easy to create. As JavaScript is very fast, the DOM tree in it speeds up React DOM to update the browser’s DOM and match the React elements.

    No, React JS cannot be used for back-end. While it can make API calls (send requests to backend), which deals with the data, it cannot by itself deal with database or any data source. Hence, as of now React is only used by client side and not in the back-end.

    The growing popularity of React JS can be attributed to its key features such as:

    • Virtual DOM
    • One-way Data Binding
    • JSX 
    • Components
    • Declarative Programming
    • Synthetic event system
    • Hooks

    Here are the top reasons why React JS is so popular:

    • React is easy to learn as it leverages your knowledge of JavaScript rather than forcing you to learn a special syntax.
    • React allows developers to break down complex UI/UX development into simpler components.
    • The Props in React enables passing the custom data to a specific UI component thereby, filling a blank when rendering JSX components.
    • When using React, web developers can store all the content changes in a single location called State and simplify the process of sourcing details.
    • React uses Virtual DOM to make the UI react promptly and enhance the user experience.

    As one of the most popular JavaScript UI libraries with over 160K stars on GitHub and several million downloads every month, React is indeed the need of the hour and the future. Over 94,000 pages are estimated to use ReactJS, and more than 1300 developers are actively using ReactJS for development.

    React’s benefits of being advanced, robust, non-risky, user-friendly, and responsible far exceed any disadvantages. Today, experts who hold a React JS certification are in high demand across several industries and new plugins are designed to meet the increasing additional functionality.

    There is no difference between React and ReactJS. Such a distinction exists in certain programming languages, for instance, Angular - AngularJS referred to v1.0, which was totally different from v2 and above versions. The versions of Angular from v2 were eventually renamed to Angular.

    However, in the case of React, there is no such distinction. Both React and ReactJS allude to the same library.

    React is the core library that implements a medium agnostic framework for building components and managing their state and data flow. To make React work with web pages, we use the ReactDOM library along with the core React library. Similarly, React Native allows us to repurpose our knowledge of React for building native mobile applications for both iOS and Android.

    React JS is being used by top organizations like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, WhatsApp, Dropbox, Tesla, BBC, PayPal, and Uber, to name a few.

    With the help of React JS training, you can carry-out frontend development of web and mobile applications such as Dashboards, Messaging App, Social Networks, eCommerce Website, Enterprise Web Apps, Cross-platform Mobile Apps, Single Page Application, Blogging Website, and Productivity App, to name a few.

    Key advantages of React over other JS Frameworks:

    • Accelerates applications development process
    • Flexible and easier to maintain due to its modular structure
    • React’s virtual DOM means highly performant web applications and UIs
    • Deploying React is easy
    • Learning React is easier than other frameworks/libraries.
    • Used for development of web as well as mobile applications
    • SEO-friendly

    The following UI component libraries are recommended to be used with React JS:

    1. Gestalt
    2. Rebass
    3. Fabric React
    4. Ant-design
    5. OnsenUI
    6. React bootstrap
    7. Semantic UI
    8. Blueprint
    9. Material UI
    10. React Virtualized
    11. React Spinner
    12. Grommet
    13. React Desktop

    React JS is a frontend development tool used for building interactive user interfaces (UIs) for single-page applications as well as full blown JavaScript web applications.

    We use React JS in project areas such as Messaging App, Dashboards, Cross-platform Mobile Apps, Social Networks, eCommerce Website, Single Page Application, Enterprise Web Apps, Blogging Website, and Productivity App, to name a few.

    The React JS training is useful when:  

    • You have a medium-to-high complexity application that requires complicated flows on the client-side.
    • You are planning to build an app that requires a reactive and performant UI.
    • You are developing a static website with dynamic content (e.g. a blog or a landing page).
    • You have a performant website or web application that is crucial to your business plan.
    • You need to find high-quality engineering talent quickly for the success of your project.

    Learn React

    Yes. React JS is easy to learn provided, you have a few other coding skills under your belt including knowledge of JavaScript programming language.

    KnowledgeHut’s systematic and holistic approach assures you the best React JS course on the market. 

    For sure! React is the one of the most popular JavaScript UI libraries in the world with over 160K stars on GitHub and several millions of download every month. It lets you compose complex, user-friendly, and fast interfaces efficiently and is used by top global companies like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Netflix, Tesla and AirBnb. As an in-demand skill in web development, mastery of React will help you become a much sought-after developer.

    To learn React, all you need is a basic knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3 along with intermediate working knowledge of JavaScript. You can then take up a hands-on course like KnowledgeHut’s immersive learning React program, which will take you on a learning journey from the absolute basics and concepts of React, all the way up to building comprehensive web applications that include client-side routing using React Router, global state management and transitions using Redux with test driven development using Jest, Enzyme and more.

    Typically, it can take anywhere between one to six months to gain the required proficiency to build as well as deploy a production ready React application within a reasonable timeframe. However, a lot depends on your existing programming expertise, your knowledge of web development fundamentals and your React JS learning path, choice of training, and dedication to practice.

    With the learn-by-doing approach, lot of guided hands-on practice, work-like experiences and guidance from experienced developers that you get when you enrol into KnowledgeHut’s React training, you can become a skilled React developer ready to take on a senior tech role in top companies in a relatively short time.

    The best way to learn React JS is by covering the fundamentals first. Gain basic knowledge in the following:

    • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • ES6 features such as, Let, Const, Arrow functions, Imports and Exports, and Classes.
    • A little bit of Node.js and basic knowledge of using NPM is helpful.

    After covering the web-development fundamentals listed above, attend accredited React training and upskill.

    No, you cannot learn React without knowing JavaScript. React is a JavaScript library, hence JavaScript is a pre-requisite.

    Following are the prerequisites to learn React:

    • Acquire a basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    • Gain a basic understanding of the ES6+ features such as, Let, Const, Arrow functions, Imports and Exports, and Classes.
    • Learn the basics of Node package manager.

    Follow the below roadmap step-by-step and become an ReactJS expert:

    1. Fundamentals: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
    2. General development skills
    3. React JS
    4. Build Tools
    5. Know Styling
    6. State Management
    7. Type Checkers
    8. Form Helpers
    9. Routing
    10. API Clients
    11. Utility Libraries
    12. Testing
    13. Internationalization
    14. Server-Side Rendering
    15. Backend Framework Integration
    16. State Management solutions such as Redux
    17. React frameworks such as Next.js

    React JS Certification

    While there’s no standard React certification in the market, you can opt for ReactJS training from a reputed and industry-recognized training provider.

    On passing the React training course at KnowledgeHut, you’ll receive a signed certificate of completion. Several thousands of KnowledgeHut alumni use their course certificates to demonstrate skills to employers and their networks.

    More than the certificate, however, you will get to showcase your newly acquired React skills by working on real-world projects and adding these to your portfolio. KnowledgeHut’s is well-regarded by industry experts, who contribute to our curriculum and use our tech programs to train their own teams to provide the best React course in the market.

    Since there are no standard certified courses available in the market you can always opt for ReactJS training from KnowledgeHut and become a ReactJS professional.

    React Developer

    A React developer is able to harness the power of React for build sophisticated and highly performant UI components and web applications. A React developer has strong JavaScript skills, deep knowledge of React with the ability to visualize a complicated UI or application in terms of discrete components, each playing their part towards a common goal.

    You will need to equip yourself with the following to become a skilled React developer:

    • Build composable user interfaces using reusable components
    • Build performant, interactive and data driven web applications
    • Build Single Page Apps (SPAs)
    • Setup and use the create-react-app toolchain
    • Build dynamic components that interact with APIs, services and the backend
    • Write reusable and shared logic for use in your application ecosystem
    • Build interactive forms
    • Implement routing in single page React applications using React Router
    • Build isomorphic React applications
    • Use Redux and middleware like redux-thunk, React Saga
    • Test components, applications using Jest, React Testing Library and Enzyme

    You will need to have a good grasp of:

    • HTML and CSS
    • JSX
    • JavaScript Fundamentals and ES6+ features
    • Git
    • Redux
    • Node and npm

    Certainly! React is one of the most popular web development frameworks and React developers are in high demand across industries. React has over 160K stars on GitHub and several millions of download every month. Over 94,000 pages are estimated to use ReactJS, and over 1,300 developers are actively using ReactJS for development.

    According to HackerRank’s 2020 Developer Skills Report, 32 percent of developers say React is the framework they are learning next.

    Facebook and the entire ReactJS team is committed to enhancing ReactJS efficiency due to React’s increasing popularity as more and more companies adopt this versatile technology. New plugins are being designed for ReactJS to meet the increasing additional functionality.

    React JS Developers can expect additional React features such as new render types, improved error handling, enhanced server-side rendering, and more.

    Roles and Responsibilities

    Following are the leading roles offered to React JS developers:

    • Frontend Developers
    • Web Developers
    • Full-Stack Developers

    According to HackerRank’s 2020 Developer Skills Report, React has the biggest skill gap, 33% of employers need React skills but only 19% of developers today have React expertise.


    The average salary for a ReactJS developer is $92,023 in US and INR 7,35,000.  The salary for a React JS developer varies with the designation. Average salaries for leading React JS developer roles are as follows:

    Average Salary Per Annum - US
    Average Salary Per Annum - India
    Frontend Developer
    INR 475,885
    Web Developers
    INR 6,80,680
    Full-Stack Developers
    INR 5,99,995

    Source: PayScale

    Top companies hiring React JS professionals are Instagram, Twitter, Netflix, WhatsApp, DropBox, BBC, GitHub, PayPal, Tesla, and Uber, to name a few.

    React Installation

    Here are 4 popular ways to install React in the latest version of Windows/Mac/Linux:

    1. Directly adding the React JavaScript file into the web page
    2. Using create-react-app
    3. Using CodeSandbox
    4. With Codepen

    The best way to setup a React application is by using the create-react-app utility:

    Step 1: Install Node.js and verify installation

    Step 2: From the terminal/command prompt execute npx create-react-app my-app where my-app is the name of your app

    Step 3: Once installed, go into the folder created by the above utility and execute npm start

    Directly visit the package.json file and see the React app version at dependencies: {} section

    To remove a package from your node_modules directory, use the uninstall command. If the package is scoped, include the scope.

    Step 1: Unscoped package: npm uninstall package_name


    Scoped package: npm uninstall @scope/package_name

    Step 2: Remove a package from the dependencies in package.json, use the --save flag. If the package is scoped, include the scope.

    Unscoped package: npm uninstall --save package_name


    Scoped package: npm uninstall --save @scope/package_name

    To remove a package from your node_modules directory, use the uninstall command. If the package is scoped, include the scope.

    Step 1: Unscoped package: npm uninstall package_name


    Scoped package: npm uninstall @scope/package_name

    Step 2: Remove a package from the dependencies in package.json, use the --save flag. If the package is scoped, include the scope.

    Unscoped package: npm uninstall --save package_name


    Scoped package: npm uninstall --save @scope/package_name

    Redux and Flux

    Redux is a popular JavaScript library used for managing the state of frontend applications. React Redux is the official React binding for Redux, it allows React components to read data from a Redux store and send commands to the store for data-updation.

    Redux is a JavaScript library used for managing the state of frontend applications and exhibits flux like flow with a single store.

    React Redux is used to bind React with Redux. It creates containers that listen to the store's state changes, prepares the props, and re-renders the presentational components.

    The key benefits of using Redux are as follows:

    • Easily manages the state of the applications
    • Centralizes the state management of the application
    • Allows time-travel debugging
    • Sends complete error reports to a server
    • Flexible with all the UI layers
    • Has a large repository of UI add-ons 
    • Reduces this complexity
    • Provides global accessibility to help build applications that work frequently

    Redux Saga is a redux middleware library designed to make handling of redux app side effects easy. It leverages an ES6 feature called Generators which allows us to write code that looks synchronous and is easier to test.

    Flux is an application architecture that is used for building client-side web applications with React. It is useful when we work with dynamic data and need to effectively keep the data updated. It also reduces the runtime errors.

    Flux is an application architecture that is used for building client-side web applications while Redux is a JavaScript library used for managing the state of frontend applications. Both Redux and Flux have distinct applications and comes with their own set of key features. As web developers, you will benefit from learning both Redux and Flux.

    A boilerplate is a code template that can be cloned and reused for various project. React Boilerplate is a highly scalable, production-ready boilerplate that offers a virtual environment for developers to easily develop applications.

    React DOM is a package that provides DOM specific methods and implements the Virtual DOM. It is used at the top level of a web app to efficiently manage DOM elements of the web page.

    While React is a JavaScript library, designed for building interactive UIs, React-DOM is a library that binds React to the browser DOM.

    React Training

    React v16.0 has some major updates and changes to the core algorithm. Here is a brief introduction to the changes:

    • New Core Architecture - React 16 is built on Fiber, a new core architecture.
    • Fragments and Strings - Return a string or an array of elements from the component's render method.
    • Error handling - Through Error Boundary.
    • Portals - Allows rendering children in any DOM node regardless of their location.
    • Server-Side Rendering - Completely rewritten server render that supports streaming.
    • Reduces file size - Smaller than 15.6.1.

    There are several benefits of getting trained on React. Here are the main benefits:

    • React is simpler to understand because of its well-defined lifecycle, component-based approach, and use of plain JavaScript.
    • Anyone with a basic knowledge of programming can understand React easily.
    • You can use React Native for creating mobile applications.
    • React uses an application architecture called Flux and one-day data binding to control the flow of data through one control point, dispatcher. This makes it easier to debug self-contained components.
    • Testing React applications is super easy.
    • Social media app - It should have features like the ability to post text and media files, a live feed, user authentication, and enabling other users to like or comment on the posts.
    • E-commerce app - It doesn’t have to be big. A smaller and more focused Ecommerce app will do the job. It must have a storefront, products, shopping cart, and a checkout process.
    • Entertainment app - Think of the media that interests you and build a simple platform where users can log in and save the content they like. You can also add other social elements such as likes, comments, and shares.

    Here are some ways beginners can get started with React:

    • Learn React - Find yourself the best React JS Course online and enroll yourself.
    • Try React - Try online platforms to get a taste of React. You can create a simple HTML page and use React to add some interactivity or you can create a complex React-powered app.
    • Stay informed - Follow the React blog for any updates. Anything important related to deprecation notices or release notes will be first posted here.

    React is the one responsible for everything that is happening on the server-side. It mainly influences front-end development.

    The main reason why React is faster is because of its virtual DOM that renders everything in JavaScript and changes the things that are changed in actual DOM. Another feature that makes React faster is the keys in Arrays through which React allows fast array changes in elements.

    To choose the best React training institute, you need to look at their course structure. Also, be mindful of the hands-on assignments and supplements. Lastly, check the price. If it's out of your budget, move on to the next option.

    Here are the top five companies using React:

    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • Instagram
    • Netflix
    • Tesla

    What learners are saying

    Kirsten Cilliers Brisbane
    Course is well structured, the pace of lessons vary according to skill of users, and instructor constantly ensures understanding before continuing to next topic. Delivery of materials is enthusiastically done, professional and tone of presentation is delivery to ensure followers do not drift off or lose interest. Found the experience and course informative, easy to follow and definitely would recommend both KnowledgeHut and the instructor. Thank you for assisting in my professional development.

    Attended Web Development Using React workshop in March 2020

    Matt Davis Senior Developer

    The learning methodology put it all together for me. I ended up attempting projects I’ve never done before and never thought I could.

    Attended Full-Stack Development Bootcamp workshop in July 2022

    Peter Cozyn Data Engineer

    I now have a job offer! The hands-on learning really helped. For someone like me who is completely new to this field, it was easy to learn all the Data Science and Machine Learning tools, especially Time series forecasting, machine learning and recommender engines. I have a job offer from Uber and am so grateful!

    Attended Data Science Bootcamp workshop in July 2021

    Lea Kirsten Senior Developer

    The learning methodology put it all together for me. I ended up attempting projects I’ve never done before and never thought I could. 

    Attended Back-End Development Bootcamp workshop in July 2021

    Ben Johnson Developer

    The Backend boot camp is a great, beginner-friendly program! I started from zero knowledge and learnt everything through the learn-by-doing method. 

    Attended Back-End Development Bootcamp workshop in July 2021

    Daiv D Souza Senior Developer

    The learning methodology put it all together for me. I ended up attempting projects I’ve never done before and never thought I could. 

    Attended Front-End Development Bootcamp workshop in July 2021

    Dave Nigels Full Stack Engineer

    The learn by doing and work-like approach throughout the bootcamp resonated well. It was indeed a work-like experience. 

    Attended Back-End Development Bootcamp workshop in May 2021

    Estelle Dowling Computer Network Architect.

    I was impressed by the way the trainer explained advanced concepts so well with examples. Everything was well organized. The customer support was very interactive.

    Attended Agile and Scrum workshop in February 2020